Florida Right to Work


I was checking some of the posts in this web site and I found that a lot of the posts have many replies because the law applies different in each state.

I will like to find out if somebody can redirect me to an HR forum that focuses on the state of Florida.

Thank you in advanced,



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • There is not a specific forum here that focus' on Florida, but there are several of us here who are from Florida. I am no expert, but if you have a specific question, I will try to answer or am sure someone will jump in.
    Florida is a right to work state if that was the question.
  • Thank you for the reply,

    In lemon terms, what the Right to Work means in the state of Florida?

    Thank you in advanced,


  • Right to Work in Florida has been incorporated into the state constitution, which says that a person's right to work shall not be denied or abridged because of union membership or non-membership. The effect of this is to ban union contracts calling for "closed shops" in which only union members may be hired or where new hires must join a union within a specified period of time.

    Remember your Beck poster (about union dues). Whether union or not, last I heard, it was still a required workplace posting.

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