Supervior Training

We are looking at different avenues to begin training our Supervisor's on harassment, workplace violance, etc. Right now we are looking at the Ten Danger Zones for Supervisors (video taped based training). I am looking for ideas from other companies on how they handle traning and how ofter you train. Thanks for your help.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I recently purchased the Ten Danger Zones for Supervisors. I have scheduled 5 lunch meetings with myself and the company's supervisors, where we will view the videos two at a time. We have met twice so far and I was pleased that the supervisors actually paid attention and asked alot of questions after the videos. The videos are great for teaching supervisors HR101!
  • Annual. Half the supervisors one day, the other half the next. All day long. Every supervisory employee in the company, regardless of shift. Full day with sandwiches and working lunch. Jam packed. Covers a bit of everything. Well structured with agenda and audio visuals and handouts. No dead space. Requires that supervisors turn in evaluation sheets after each segment. Low budget - few outside speakers involved. No cell phones or pagers or passouts. You leave you don't come back in. Unless its a call of nature.
  • REH: I have been in the HR & training of supervisor/managers field for the last 28 years of my business life. I have found the 10 danger zones for supervisors extremely valuable and exciting to use in an integration of our company policy and procedures training program. I have conducted now 6 Leadership siminars for all managers/supervisors in cluding the Supervisors-In-Training. The company has given me two remote training rooms and the corporate conference room as a third facility, and the necessary equipment (TVs with built in video recording playback built in).

    My (our) Leadership course takes 4 hours a Wed. morning for five weeks with the 10 danger zones plus and introduction into leadership theory and practice and the final module (12) a Train the Trainer module which allows the supervisor to actually give a five minute presentation on a "How to, subject select by me" (How to inspect a fire extinguisher is one of several). The subject is not the important issue, it is the preparation, planning, practice of asking questions of the student to get the maximum learning with adults, and the test and measuring phase that is the teaching points. Tell them what you want them to learn, show them what you want them to learn, let the adult physically do the exercise to standard under review, and then test and measure and review critic and redo is my method of instruction that works. You should hear the "bitching" when I issue the written test at the end of each session and the concerns about the grades when we review before each class. I have learned if the student does not learn the teacher did not teach; I might have spent time popping my gums, but did anyone receive my vital information?

    10 Danger Zones is it for me and worth every penny! I supplement it with company policy and precedures, as well as, Motivate the employee BY:; creating a vision, taking charge of everything in sight or hearing, Active and Passive leadership styles, which are you?, Step up, take charge, or get the Hell out of the way for sonmeone who will? and Are you a leader or a manager, one can be successful at either, but my experience demonstrates is is leaders who rise to levels of higher calling.

    Hope the above gives you an idea of the value of the 10 Zones!!! PORK
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