Two companies share employees

Our business is seasonal; we are currently using temporary employees to meet our seasonal needs. The drawbacks are training and not getting the same temps back each year. I have been talking to another employer that is seasonal but there season is opposite from ours. We have been talking about sharing employees. When they are slow and we are in our busy season we would get 10 to 20 of their employees and visa versa. Has anyone done this and what are some of the things we should consider before we embark on this new venture?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • That's a clever idea! I imagine there could be problems figuring out who the employer is for workers' comp, taxes, etc. And I'm not sure what it would do to your liability for unemployment comp. Maybe it would be easier to outsource it to a staffing company and have them shuffle the employees back and forth.

    James Sokolowski
    Senior Editor
    M. Lee Smith Publishers
  • I'm not sure on this but I would think that you could lease the employees from each other. You would have to divide them up so that the taxes, etc would be "equally split". But then one could lease from the other for the wages and taxes. I'm not positive but you might need to charge a lease fee of maybe $1 per employee to make it ok.
    I think that would be the easiest for the tax, etc. situation.

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