Level Funding Health Insurance Plan

Our company is currently reviewing our insurance plan renewal options. I'm sure you all can guess it is a nightmare right now as our company is over 50 but under 100 employees and the options are not great. We have been introduced to an option called Level Funding. This is completely new to us but looks like a valid and reasonable approach that will be affordable to both the company and the employees. As we do not have any experience with this, I was wondering if anyone out in BLR land might. If so, any insight or advice you can give would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a bunch!
Our company is currently reviewing our insurance plan renewal options. I'm sure you all can guess it is a nightmare right now as our company is over 50 but under 100 employees and the options are not great. We have been introduced to an option called Level Funding. This is completely new to us but looks like a valid and reasonable approach that will be affordable to both the company and the employees. As we do not have any experience with this, I was wondering if anyone out in BLR land might. If so, any insight or advice you can give would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a bunch!