Obscene Writing on Bathroom Walls

We are a manufacturing company with over 700 employees. Our employees come from all walks of life and have a very diverse background.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

This morning, one of my employees called me in the ladies restroom because someone wrote on big letters that her supervisor was f***ing her. The person who wrote on the wall, wrote the phrase in Spanish. The individual wrote on several walls and then again an hour later, after the wall had been cleaned.

I met with all the employees in the department in order to tell them this type of behavior is grounds for immediate termination.

Now, how would you suggest proceeding? With this many employees, it is very hard to narrow down to a few suspects. The employee could not point out anyone he/she thought did it.

I suggested to look into the files of the employees to compare handwriting of Spanish speakers female employees in the department as a start point, but that seems like a delicate area.

Any suggestions?



  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would also make sure to tell all of the employees that (1) very little can be done regarding anonymous complaints and (2) reinforce the proper complaint process to all employees and make sure it is truly available to be used.

     I don't think trying to compare handwriting is worthwhile.  At this point, you don't know who the complainer is and you don't know who they are complaining about.....and you've already addressed the writing on the wall part.  I am not sure why you expect the employee who found it to point out who did it. At that point, wouldn't they just be guessing? Unless she saw them, why would you think she knows? Or do you think it is her?

    You could follow up with the supervisors on that shift...have they had any issues with specific employees? Do they track who has left the manufacturing floor at certain times? Because it seems you know the timeline of the 2nd writing, if not the first. 


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