Alternative Work Schedules and Overtime

Does anyone offer a flex schedule where an employee can work 80 hours in 9 days, week 1 five 9 hour days, and week two three 9 hour days, one 8 hour day with one day off every other week? If so, how do you handle the week the employee works 45 hours? Overtime, credit hours, or a policy that states they cannot charge overtime those weeks based off their alternative schedule.
Any advise or an information that you can send us would be greatly appreciated!!!
Mostly I have seen these allowed only on an exempt level.
But being the mathematical mind that I am, the employer could change the hourly rate slightly so that the overall effect was the same as 80 regular hours as long as that doesn't affect minimum wages for any employee. I would have this be something that the employee agreed to in exchange for the flexible schedule.
The other choice the employer has is to change their definition of their workweek such that it falls into the exact middle of those two work schedules. Of course it probably wouldn't be feasible to do if not all employees are on a flexible schedule. And the wage depts don't generally look favorably on an employer who changes their work week too often, so it needs to at least be semi-permanent and you have to look at how it would affect other schedules.