Company website
As a private employer, do our employees have privacy rights that do not allow us to place their names on our company website?
As a private employer, do our employees have privacy rights that do not allow us to place their names on our company website?
My simple answer is no, but I think there is more to this than a simple yes or no. What is the reasoning behind the decision to put employee names on the company website? Are you just putting the person's name or are you putting more info (and possibly a picture)?
There are many reasons a person does not want their name, photo and info out on the web. Many of them for reasons that may not make sense to some.
You might check into an article I found about employee's pictures and marketing... This article suggests that you always get their consent.
I also would ask the reasoning and be able to defend it from a business standpoint. That is, that it is absolutely necessary. There are some jobs where it is and others where it is not. Putting it out there can also be negative at times, so you have to be prepared for that too (i.e. creditors find them and start calling them at work, etc)
However I know quite a few people who do everything they can to "live off the grid"....and I would not force them to have their name listed because it is a strong personal belief.