soliciting relief for Haiti disaster

I'm not sure this belongs in the HR Administration folder, but I didn't see another place to put it.
As details have surfaced about the earthquake in Haiti and the support that will be needed, people have begun to share, via work email, links to organizations accepting contributions. We don't have any kind of no soliciation policy or a policy about the use of the internet for certain purposes, but I'm thinking we might want to do so. Do others have a no solicitation policy or an internet use policy that covers email fundraising, and have you had the need to remind staff of its existance in the current climate of wanting to quickly provide support to the residents of Haiti?
Here is ours:
"SOLICITATIONS AND DISTRIBUTION OF LITERATURE It is the intent of L Inc. to maintain a proper business environment and prevent interference with work and inconvenience to others from solicitations and/or distribution of literature. Group meetings for solicitation purposes, distributing literature, circulating petitions in work or sales areas is prohibited unless it is approved by the on-site supervisor as a L Inc.-sponsored event. The following guidelines will apply throughout L Inc.: o Employees will not engage in any solicitation of other employees for any purpose whatsoever during working hours or in work areas. o L Inc.’s facilities may not be used as a meeting place that involves solicitation and/or distribution of literature. o In order to maintain good customer relations and preserve the professional work environment, employees may not wear any insignia, badge, or button on their person, nor display any insignia, badge, or button on their desk or in their work area, excluding professional designation awards. o Human Resources will approve and post all information that is displayed on L Inc.’s bulletin board or make available for review or distribution to employees. o Trespassing, soliciting or distributing literature by non-employees is prohibited on L Inc. premises."
It might be best to send out one corporate sponsored email about what the corporation is or isn't going to do in response (if you want to match funds or anything such as that). You can also remind them that these decisions are personal and no pressure should be placed on other employees, especially subordinates, to donate to any specific organizations. There are plenty of organizations in the media -- Red Cross, Salvation Army, Doctors without Borders, etc. I don't really see the need for people to name their pet organizations.