Request for Drivers License Number

Our liability insurance carrier annually requests the state and license numbers for our employees who are covered under our policy and rent cars. Most employees willingly provide the information. Can we make it mandatory?
We have mandatory city requirements for drivers.
1. During the pre-employment process the candidate must provide a 7 year driving history from the DMV, even if the history is with another state.
2. We review driving records annually, for cause, periodic reviews and when an application for promotion is made. This is mandatory as condition of employment. If the EE does not cooperate then they are not allowed to operate city vehicles there-by unable to perform the essential job duties.
We also have minimal standards that must be met and standards that would immediately disqualify a EE from operating a city vehicle. The requirements only apply to those jobs within the city that require the EE to operate city equipment. Records are confidential are held by our risk management department.
I do not know of any statute in VA other than these requirements must be limited to those positions that require driving as an essential job duty.