Holiday Policy - Work day before and day after

If you have a holiday policy which states the employees must work the day before and the day after, but there are specific cases which can override this provision - then what specific occurrences do you consider "acceptable?"
If someone had a previously scheduled and approved vacation days for the day before and the day after the holiday.
HRguy is right. Pre-approved PTO hours (vacation, personal, etc) would warrant an override of the Holiday Pay policy, but I’d advise that you list those types of expections in the policy itself.
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“Employees must work the last scheduled day before and the first scheduled day following a holiday to qualify for holiday pay. Employees absent from work before or after a holiday must present documentation by a physician for the missed time to qualify for holiday pay.”
The trick is first scheduled day before and first scheduled day after. So even if someone is using a vacation day before the holiday, they’ll need to work the day before the vacation day to qualify for the holiday pay.