Checklist to use for exiting employees?

I looked but didn't see this. I'm looking for a checklist to use to make sure that I'm giving an exiting employee everything I'm obligated to give . I know COBRA notification, but not sure about almost anythinge else. Unemployment pamphlet, other regulated or suggested items ? etc.
Located in CA, less than 50 employees.
Here are a couple of things to consider:
I do subscribe to HR.BLR. I had gone through the items available but didn't find anything that really provided this information. The termination checklists deal with discharging an employee and things to consider internally - do you have a discipline policy in place, has it been followed, is there an employment contract, etc.
I'm really looking for more a list like IT HR suggested. I have a generic doc that I use about equipement and such but wanted to make sure that I'm following any federal and state mandates on data to be given to departing employees (not necessarily just discharged employees).
The only thing that I'm positive about is the COBRA letter. I vaguely recall/thought that I needed to give a pamphlet from EDD (or is that only on hire?). I might just be assuming there is more to it than this and there really isn't much more to do. But I'm not sure.
COBRA is the only thing that is most likely required by law, but I’m not sure if you have to give that information at the time of exit.
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I’ve given the following:
- final pay check date, amount & additional withholdings
- contact information for employment verifications/references
- return of company property & penalty if not returned or returned damaged
Let’s face it, the more you give them upfront the less likely they will be to call or you’ll have to call them.