What do you do when no one wants to complete appraisals?

Specifically, when it's the senior management not doing them.  I feel it's a time management issue.  I have sent out overdue notice after notice and even CCed our President trying to get him involved but...nothing.  They are only receiving more every month and there's no reason when a good majority of their employees are working in the same office as they are.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • People don't do appraisals generally because they don't care about them.  I would simply ask the president if he or she cares about the appraisals so you know whether or not to waste any of your time on trying to collect them.  If he or she cares about the appraisals, tell him or her that you need some power or some backing in order to extract them from senior management.


    You might suggest to top brass that getting appraisals in to HR on a timely basis be one of the things managers are appraised on.


  • Completely agree with TXHRGuy here. If you don't have the backing of the President, then you might as well not waste your time on this. If you have the backing, then the President needs to send a strong message to the senior mgmt staff about getting them done. I like the idea (and have used it in the past) about putting this in the appraisal of the senior mgrs.  Another thing I have done when I had a major problem with this at one company (and had had no success with constant reminders), was at a staff meeting I went over a list of the mgrs who had outstanding reviews, how many were outstanding and when they were due.  As you can imagine, this list went down dramatically at the second meeting because the mgrs did not like to have their name called out at this meeting, not to mention that they got an earful from the big boss in front of the other managers.   
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