I think I've initiated an internal investigation...

Concerning one of our supervisors and an employee beneath him. Now where do I go from here? I know the first thing to keep in mind is document, document, document...but what things should I be documenting and looking for?
The gist of it is there has been some very unfavorable reviews concerning the employee done by the supervisor with the intent to try and fire this employee for personal reasons rather than the good of the company. All I have is copies of the evaluations....the originals are convenietly missing and there is suspicion that one of the "evals" was written by an outside party not employed by are company, dictated by the supervisor of course. And there is no word of documentation existing to back any of this up. It's just a mess and I fear a lawsuit coming forth if it isn't stopped now.
I should add that my boss doesn't feel that things are bad enough for an internal investigation. But the employee has been given copies of the "bad" evaluations and I feel we really can't destroy our copies and tell her to the same as if nothing happened, so they have to be part of some sort of file. What else is there if HR isn't really investigating what is going on?
TX that is a heck of a situation. I would like to see your answer. Can you include me in the response?
Not enough info to respond without writing a book. After that, would be up to OP's need for confidentiality/anonymity.
We've got a discussion going on.
I took it off line in part because a big part of finding a solution path is understanding more about her company and her role in the company. HR's political power is highly context sensitive but I can pretty much say that's what determines the solution path in cases like this.