Sick Leave

How does your sick leave policy work? The way ours is set up now an employee earns 1 day per month up to a max of 30 days. Once they hit 30 days, they stop accruing until they fall below the 30 day max.
One of our employees feels this is unfair because the person who gets sick gets to earn time but she doesn't once she hits 30 days. If we had no max, many of our employees would have upwards of 60-90 days (if not more) and still be gaining more. I think there needs to be a max but what do you think? What about having a max carryover of 30 but still let employees accrue per month. Then they could have 42 days by the end of the year but only carry over the 30.
The answer is in the language that you use. If it is a part of an overall PTO package then your problem is solved. If you earn it my understanding is that it now has 'phantom dollars' attached in some manner and becomes a part of a pay out and is more tricky to manage since it is 'earned' time. (Some of you benefits coordinators by now probably know that is not my expertise) On the other hand accrued sick leave has no such stigma. We cap our sick time and if the employee falls below the cap they accrue time until that cap is reached again. Also we have a maximum amount of sick time that can be carried over into the next year.
[quote]One of our employees feels this is unfair because the person who gets sick gets to earn time but she doesn't once she hits 30 days.[/quote]
I find this statement rather curious. It is self serving in that the employee seems to think that benefits are singularly applied differently with different circumstances to each individual. Have a maximum, cap it per year. Have a maximum carry over period, not additional accrual with the carry over. At least that is how we handle sick leave. Works for us.
I don't handle most of our benefits, now I'm anxious to hear from the real benefits people.