Sick Leave Bank
We currently offer a voluntary sick leave bank program that offers the use of donated hours to an employee who has no leave balances (sick & annual). The employee in need must also be a member of the sick leave bank and the reason for the need must be the employee's own sickness or other SHC. Now a suggestion has been put forth to offer a voluntary donation of leave to a specific person who has run out of leave, but the reason doesn't have to be their own illness. The current sick bank has set policies and procedures to follow and employee must elect each year to remain in it or not. The suggested leave bank program will be open to every employee. An employee who needs leave hours will receive 'donated' hours from any employee who wishes to donate. Employees will be able to annonymously and at their own discretion help another employee. I know companies have used this type of sick leave bank program and my question is: How well did it work? What are the pitfalls? Any feedback, both positive or negative about the program?
[quote user="GloCoHR"]We currently offer a voluntary sick leave bank program that offers the use of donated hours to an employee who has no leave balances (sick & annual). The employee in need must also be a member of the sick leave bank and the reason for the need must be the employee's own sickness or other SHC. Now a suggestion has been put forth to offer a voluntary donation of leave to a specific person who has run out of leave, but the reason doesn't have to be their own illness. The current sick bank has set policies and procedures to follow and employee must elect each year to remain in it or not. The suggested leave bank program will be open to every employee. An employee who needs leave hours will receive 'donated' hours from any employee who wishes to donate. Employees will be able to annonymously and at their own discretion help another employee. I know companies have used this type of sick leave bank program and my question is: How well did it work? What are the pitfalls? Any feedback, both positive or negative about the program?[/quote]
Try using the search function -- I know this has been discussed before.