Celebrity Apprentice-Rewarding Bad Workplace Behavior?

I know it's just a TV show, but I was shocked that Donald Trump would select Joan Rivers as the winner of his show after the personal insults she said to Annie Duke, which were way over the line. Maybe it was just to generate ratings and "buzz." However if Joan said the same things to one of the employees at her jewelry company, I think we would be reading about a court case on this website.
Also, her daughter didn't behave much better. Melissa Rivers yelled and swore [bleeped out] at the receptionist after she was fired.
Wonder if The Donald would have accepted this behavior from the non-celebrities on the regular Apprentice or from his own employees?
I know it's just a TV show, but I was shocked that Donald Trump would select Joan Rivers as the winner of his show after the personal insults she said to Annie Duke, which were way over the line. Maybe it was just to generate ratings and "buzz." However if Joan said the same things to one of the employees at her jewelry company, I think we would be reading about a court case on this website.
Also, her daughter didn't behave much better. Melissa Rivers yelled and swore [bleeped out] at the receptionist after she was fired.
Wonder if The Donald would have accepted this behavior from the non-celebrities on the regular Apprentice or from his own employees?
Following in the transformational footsteps of news world (news became infotainment), perhaps we are seeing employotainment. What would private, for-profit employment and employment law be like if its purpose was to entertain people rather than to produce other goods and services for profit?
Hey-employotainment--love it!
Did you notice that Annie said that Joan's comments were "actionable"? Wonder if she is thinking of suing for slander?
Luckily this show is for chairty otherwise I would deem it even trashier. I thought Annie was the better choice as far as professionalism is concerned but - eh - I am not a rating specialist so I can see why he chose that route. I would absolutely love to see Annie sue Joan Rivers. Comedy at its best.
TXHR - I do believe you coined a new word! Excellent!
Interesting analysis of situation at http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/entertainment/Trumping-The-Odds.html
If Piers won the last round because he raised more money, Trump changed the job description and goal of the task when selecting Joan.
I liked the non-celebrity version of the show much better.