Is EFCA on Life Support...

After the panic over EFCA earlier this year, it seems like things have quieted way down (if you don't pay attention to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and national union ads). It doesn't seem like this is on the front burner with Congress any more. Does anyone have different information?
Hey, with the car companies, publishers, municipalities, and just about ever other employer with unionized employees asking for concessions from theose unions in order to stay afloat, seems like a bad time to introduce EFCA for both sides. And members of Congress watching "tea parties" in their home districts today on Tax Day may not want to debate a controversial issue just now (and have their comments thrown back at them later).
The patient may revive if the economy revives.
I think the Democrats owe the unions big time. EFCA may be amended, but it will pass in some form. My guess is that a compromise will include a provision for quick elections (instead of card check), and change or eliminate the mandatory arbitration provision. I don't think it was too wise to introduce the bill when the economy was tanking. But, I agree that once we see the economy pick up, EFCA will resurface.
Obama was quoted recently as saying that the democrats will get it passed.
I imagine they will wait until after mid term elections.
I've been reading on BLR and other news organizations that EFCA has been brought back to life with a compromise dropping card check. Does this mean that we should be worried about unionization? It seems like it will be so fast and easy to get recognized that unions will have plenty of resources to organize large and small companies. Any one else concerned?
Since Obama has appointed Craig Becker to the NLRB, there may be no need for EFCA. My guess is that labor will be happy, at least for a while and the focus will turn to immigration reform.