I need some help with the WARN Act, we are a construction company with about 30 employees at our headquarters in NY and then anywhere from 1 to 15 employees on various constructions site throughout the NYC area( 57 FT employees in all). I am having trouble deciding whether the WARN Act would apply to us for any layoffs. First, would a "jobsite" be considered a "single site" and if so could we really give 90 day notice of a jobsite closing if we don't know for sure the actual completion date of the job. Then do I calculate my entire amount of layoffs versus my entire staff or go by each site? Hope this makes some sort of sense.
100 employees is the threshold.
100 employees is the threshold.
Not only that, but it's not a one-point-in-time threshold. I also think it has to be 100 simultaneously. You'll see when you read in there, it's something like 100+ FT head count in each of x number of weeks in the prior 12 months. You could conceivably distribute 500 W2s to former and current full time employees and still not have the WARN act apply to you.