URGENT question regarding vacation and holidays

Hi - does anyone know if there are any issues with changing holiday/vacation policy midyear. There is a business that wants to retract its paid holidays and possibly reduce its paid vacation from 2/1/2009 going forward due to very dire economic circumstances. Assuming that any accrued vacation is left intact, are there are any federal or state laws that would prohibit this? Anyone know which state laws require notice of the changes benefits - and if so, how much? Lastly, anyone know if vacation/holiday policies can be considered ERIS plans. Thanks so much for your help!
[quote user="MaureenHall3"]Hi - does anyone know if there are any issues with changing holiday/vacation policy midyear. There is a business that wants to retract its paid holidays and possibly reduce its paid vacation from 2/1/2009 going forward due to very dire economic circumstances. Assuming that any accrued vacation is left intact, are there are any federal or state laws that would prohibit this? Anyone know which state laws require notice of the changes benefits - and if so, how much? Lastly, anyone know if vacation/holiday policies can be considered ERIS plans. Thanks so much for your help!
It all depends on state and circuit. Where are you located?
[quote user="SFbay"]Vacations and holidays don't fall under the definition of an ERISA welfare plan and therefore aren't covered by ERISA.[/quote]
Correct -- I didn't answer completely. ERISA has nothing to do with your situation, but there may be other issues with the changes you are asking about depending on where you are located.