PHR Results

Hi Freinds,
I am new to this forum.Today i completed my PHR exam and result came as Fail.But i am pretty confident about exam.Is there any chance /any one has got an official letter of pass even after yoiu got a fail in preliminary result.Pls help me.
Forum: HR Coffee Corner
Posted: Jul 14, 11:04 AM [GMT -5]
Post Subject: [url="/hr/forums/post/5816.aspx"]Re: Advice for someone pursuing a PHR[/url]
Post author: [url="/hr/members/JACHR1979.aspx"]JACHR1979[/url]
[quote user="6386307"]
Personally, I utilized the SHRM study materials designed for the test and found the test to be much simpler that I first anticipated. Granted, it was no walk in the park, but I felt the study materials and practice exams were essential in my passing. Some colleagues of mine decided to do the preparation course instead and regretfully did not pass. Due to my study habits and desire to work study at my pace...when I can, however much I can...the SHRM system worked. So here is my endorsement for that product and that cost--it saved me time, $$$ (gas to and from the classroom), and allowed me to again move at the pace I designated. Please note that I did have roughly 8 years experience prior which also aided in some of the questions but the questions on the exam were not so much situational as the were factual...(i.e. What act permits 12 weeks of unpaid, protected leave?)
Best of luck to you on the exam!
I've looked at the SHRM material and was torn between purchasing it or taking a preparation course. Then I found out that Rice University here in Houston offers a PHR preparation course utilyzing the SHRM Learning System program. You get the expertise of the SHRM Learning System as well as the insight of the instructors who have extensive experience and expertise in the field that I do not yet possess. Hopefully the results are as optomistic as my outlook.