Company Closing for 2 weeks during holidays

My company is closing for 2 weeks during the holiday's. This is a mandatory closing...If an employee is non-exempt with no PTO pay, can they file for unemployment for those 2 weeks?
Thank you
My company is closing for 2 weeks during the holiday's. This is a mandatory closing...If an employee is non-exempt with no PTO pay, can they file for unemployment for those 2 weeks?
Thank you
The employees can always file but benefits will depend on how long they have worked for you and for other employers in the benefit period and what wages they earned. Some states have a 1 week waiting period before the employee gets any benefit.
What state are you in? It is a best practice to let the state unemployment office know ahead of time of closures that involve a significant amount of workers...this might help with the paperwork this will generate if every employee makes a claim.
My company is closing for 2 weeks during the holiday's. This is a mandatory closing...If an employee is non-exempt with no PTO pay, can they file for unemployment for those 2 weeks?
Thank you[/quote]
I do not know of a state in which a two week loss of pay through company temporary closure will not result in payment of benefits for employees who are qualified for UI coverage (e.g., worked enough in the prior relevant period). That doesn't mean there isn't such a state, but I suspect benefits will be paid. If you don't have a lot of involuntary turnover, this should not be a problem for your rates unless you are an enormous employer.