FMLA - making up time?

I have a question regarding FMLA. I have an employee who needs intermittent time off for continued and regular treatments which do qualify under FMLA. The treatments will cause him to miss about 5 hours of work, 2-3 days per week, for at least 3-4 months. But, the employee is asking to come in on another shift and work to "make up" the time lost for these appointments. Can we allow him to make up the time? If we do allow him to make it up, can the missed time still counted toward the FMLA 12-week allotment?
In the past, companies I've worked for have allowed time to be made up. But I've only seen it done for a couple of hours here and there, not several hours over a long period of time. I know any "make up" time needs to occur within the same work week as the missed time. So maybe our best option is just to transfer him to another shift for the duration of his FMLA....
Any thoughts??
This isn't a disability case: the person is able to work but must miss work sometimes for treatment. There's no reason why the person can't work, if you have work for him or her to do (i.e., don't make work or invent jobs or a spot if it doesn't make business sense) just because they are out for treatment. The time out for FMLA time remains FMLA time.
Think of it this way: if I choose to be scheduled for 13 hour shifts and miss 5 hours of them for FMLA, my 5 hours out is still FMLA time. My advice, to make it clear what's happening, is to schedule them the day through, and count the missing time in the schedule as FMLA time.