Employee Review and Payroll

Has anyone heard of a system that can electronically keep track of annual performance reviews and translate them into a pay adjustment? Love to hear thoughts and where you're from.
Has anyone heard of a system that can electronically keep track of annual performance reviews and translate them into a pay adjustment? Love to hear thoughts and where you're from.
I am trying to remember the name of the succession planning software we used at a previous company. It could keep track of when performance reviews were due and what the result of that review was, but did not have anything to do with the pay adjustment. I want to say it was a Taleo system, but don't quote me. I know that it did cost a lot of money and to be honest I didn't think it was that easy to use. It took a lot of time. I had more success with my assistant keeping track of the performance review due dates for all of our employees at the location and sending out reminders to the managers at the beginning of the month to let them know when the review was due. I had support from the top on this issue so we talked about what reviews were due at each staff meeting. The managers didn't like being the person on the "hit" list if the review wasn't done on time. Since the pay needed to get approved by me and then the head of the location, I always made sure the review and the pay increase matched.