Paycheck Distribution
Our company is growing and we now have over 700 employees. We have moved our payroll function to the Accounting Department. HR continued to distribute the checks to the management team. We in HR believe that the distribution of paychecks should be with the Accounting Department, and Accounting wants HR to continue with the distribution. How do other large companies handle this issue? Do you mail the checks? Please let me know.
Granted, I am now working HR for a smaller firm but did come from a firm of similar size (~720+). We had acct performing our payroll as well and we all agreed that since they were creating the payroll and had all administrative responsibilities revolving around it, it only made sense for them to be responsible for the distribution as well. Sounds to me like your acct dept may be a bit, just a bit, on the lazy side.
As far as distribution, we had all employees local therefore we utilized our interoffice mail system and directed them to the dept heads for distribution. We included a sign-received form that stated that they received their paycheck and it that it was not opened, tampered with, etc.
Hope this helps!
Unless there is a business reason for HR to handle the checks, I agree with the others that payroll/accounting should distribute them.
However, if someone in HR is overseeing things like making sure term'd ees aren't getting a check or that new hires are or that there weren't any phantom employees, it might be wise to still handle them. Of course there might be other reporting methods that would accomplish the same purpose.