Staffing & Training Module

I've notice over the past month or so that if I'm in the Staffing and Training module, all the posts are in bold. When I'm in the other forums posts I've seen or posts from the last time I visited that forum aren't bold, only new ones are. The only module that I'm having a problem with is the Staffing and Training one.
I wondered if anyone else was having the same problem. I guess it's not a problem, just a very minor annoyance. [:P]
I've not noticed anything in bold in any of the forums. It could be your settings. I would definitely check those.
Best of luck!
Hi Dhall
Thank you for posting this concern. Are your referring to the titles of the posts when you open the Staffing and Training section in the forum, or the text of individual posts as well? We'll certainly look into it and see if there is a problem.
Thanks, it's the titles of the posts.
When I log in each day (every few days), any posts that are new are in bold and those that have had no activity since my last visit are grayed out a little. It makes it really easy for me to see what I haven't read yet.
It works that way in every module for me except the staffing & training module.