Various MIS Compensation Report Required...

I am working as Compensation Executive...where i need to maintain various reports, but as i m new to my company...i need various formats, and in what ways reports can be prepared and when to send the same to HR Manager.

 Please provide me...the details related to maintaining and preparing database.





  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I am not sure I am understanding your question to us.  Are you looking for different compensation plans for various positions in MIS?  Are you looking for salary comparisions for the same positions in your area?  When you say MIS, are you talking System Administrators, Helpdesk, Network Engineers, etc?  The reason I ask is that some of these positions are exempt and some are non-exempt. 
  • OP is writing from Mumbai, so it's not clear that FLSA applies.  Is this outsourced work performed in Mumbai for a US firm in the US?

    It sounds to me like OP has been asked to provide reporting to HR out of HRIS or payroll and OP is not clear as to the type of reports requested or the format they should be in.  If that's the case, I think OP needs to get more information from the HR Manager to whom the reports are to be sent.  With more information from the HR Manager, perhaps we can help more.

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