Writting Procedures Manual to colaborate with handbook

I am currently writing a procedures manual to colaborate with our employee handbook. Does anyone have any helpful tips, layout for the manual, anything at all? I'm having a difficult time getting started-I need some direction. Thanks
Rule #1: Not every policy needs a procedure -- We don't have a procedure for not smoking or drinking or using illegal drugs at work. We do have one for drug screening.
Rule #2: Often, a policy "feels" like it needs a procedure because the policy does not clearly exress who it applies to and who has responsibility for its implementation/enforcement. Make sure your policies are clear on those points.
So, in short, don't feel like you have to write a procedure for every rule or policy of the Company but do look to see that your policys are clear on what applies to who and where people should take their questions/comments/concerns/complaints/accusations.
Let me ask you this - are you writing individual policies to go along with the information that is in your handbook? If so, there are many policies on this website, HR.BLR.com that you can use as a starting point. I have taken the different drafts of policies from this website and used them to come up with my own versions of the policies.
Let us know what policies you are trying to come up with and maybe someone here can give you a sample as well.
In response to IT HR-I have already re-written our employee handbook which includes the policies, but wanted to write a procedures manual to colaborate with the new handbook/policies. I just needed some guidance on doing so.
I do want to thank you both for the suggestions given-they will be helpful. But please feel free to keep posting some tips. Thanks!