PTO standard pay rate for all

We have just instituted 1 week of accrued PTO for all employees annually. In my industry (home-healthcare) the wages can differ with the service type, specific client and specific hours (overnights). So some employees may have 3 or 4 different wages. The roll-out of 1 week PTO is stated that all PTO hours will be paid at a standard established wage for all ($9.00), even if their current wages range froom $8.00 - $12.00. This has been communicated to employees through employee meetings and with an updated employee handbook indicating the benefits. Is there anything we need to be aware of in regard to paying PTO at a standard wage? Any other communications /documentations or FLSA rules we need to know?
PTO help?
As long as you have signed receipts for the handbooks and the receipts have the typical language on them, you should be OK as far as the common concerns go. I wonder if someone from the California crowd can tell us if there's a 9th circuit or state issue on that one...?
From a strategic view, it sounds like some people will be punished by using PTO. Is your administrative infrastructure unable to pay PTO at, say, their average wage YTD or something like that?