Qualifying Events for Insurance Enrollment Changes

Do you believe it is a qualifying event for an employee of company A to change their health or dental enrollment (i.e. enroll or drop coverage) if it is their spouse's open enrollment period at company B? I have heard conflicting information as to whether the spouse's open enrollment is considered a qualifying event for the employee of company A. Thanks for your help!
It is my understanding that if the spouse was no longer able to be covered under the Company B plan, that would be a qualifying event, but if they drop the plan it is not considered a qualifying event. Qualifying events are for special circumstances such as marriage, adoption, loosing coverage, etc. Typically those things that come up during the year that may not be under your control. I would check with your carrier for claification as to your specific plan.
Yes, if your plan allows for all of the allowable Sec 125 changes, then spouse's open enrollment is an allowed change.
When in doubt I check http://www.changeofstatus.com it's a great site.