Workers Compensation Benefits - DWC 3 & 6 forms

I have an employee who was just injured. In reviewing the number of weeks the employee has since he was hired, I have found that he has less than 13 weeks. He has 10 weeks total.
According to the DWC3, I am supposed to find an employee who is comparable to the employee that was injured who has 13 weeks of pay, but I don't have one.
I have one employee that is supposed to make the same amount the injured ee makes hourly with 13 weeks of pay. The employee with the 13 weeks of pay, though, has been on a job where he legally is required to make more than his base hourly rate, which affects the pay scale.
Should I use the semi-comparable employee with the higher wages, or should I fill the DWC3 out with the 10 weeks from the injured employee and state that I have no comparable ee?
Thanks - have a great weekend.
Texas Department of Insurance
Division of Workers' Compensation
7551 Metro Center Drive, Suite 100
Austin, TX, 78744-1609
512-804-4001 (fax)