Terminating an employee for discussing salary

I faintly recall a discussion at some point saying it was not correct to include in your policy that discussing salary was grounds for termination, but I can't find inforamtion to support that. Can someone give me some guidance please?
Thanks from Tulsa!
Hi Tulsa...it's a violation of federal labor law (the National Labor Relations Act, to be specific) to have policies that prohibit (or make your employees think that they are prohibited) from discussing the terms and conditions of their employment - like their salary, working hours, etc. So this type of policy would be a big mistake to include in your handbook!
Hope this helps!
The National Labor Relations Act protects non-management employees who act in concert (2 or more) for their mutual benefit or protection. "Management employee" is defined within the Act as a technical term. This protection generally means that non-management employees may discuss anything about the terms and conditions of their work. There are certain exceptions. The NLRA does not necessarily make it OK for payroll clerks to freely discuss all compensation data.
Who are you trying to cover with this type of policy and why does anybody think it would be a good idea to have?