Controversy: Lose Employees to No-Match Letters

There was an opinion column in BLR's HR Daily Advisor last week opposing the proposed no-match rules. Has created some interesting discussion here. What do you all think?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • i am in favor of a 'comprehensive' form of immigration reform.  one that steps up enforcement but creates a process that allows people to become 'legal.' i'd hate to see what our economy would look like if we expelled all the undocumented workers in this country. as for the no-match rules i worry that some employers will go too far and fire anyone whose information comes back as a no-match instead of going through the verification process. 
  • I think we need to do something but I am not sure this is the answer.  I am not opposed to these rules although I think they may need to give more time for an individual to get things straightened out before an employer terminates them.  I have seen no-match letters come back for individuals who were US citizens, but there was a problem in the Social Security Admin system with their name and number. It was taking them weeks, if not months, to get the issue resolved.  I have also seen cases where people have been trying to get all of the paperwork through the system to legally work in the USA and it was taking upwards of 2 years for the process to be completed.  There are multiple systems that need to be fixed here.
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