Gossiping HR people

I work with 2 other HR people, and they tend to gossip to each other about certain situations at work. Their attitude bothers me and I would like to say something about it to them. Unfortunately, I am not the boss. Is there a way to get them to stop doing this and adopt a better attitude? Do any of you run into this problem in your HR dept?
I've been through this and it's one of those situations where it's best to do nothing. Just take the high road and stay out of the gossip yourself or wear earphones to tune out the gossip. I wouldn't say anything to your coworkers unless the gossip directly involves you.
And I wouldn't "tattle" to the boss, but you can mention during your performance review that you pride yourself on your professional demeanor, including not gossiping about workplace issues.
I think not saying something to them sets a bad precedence. I understand the need to discuss issues if you need advice or if it will impact the company, but just as something juicy to talk about is never acceptable. I would remind them that even though they think they are only talking to each other, they never know who might over hear their conversation.
Hey, if you have to work with these people, I wouldn't go scolding them about gossiping or it's going to be a cold winter in your department.
If they are doing something unethical or illegal, that's a different story.