Work from Home - Telecommunting Policy

I was wondering if anyone had employees who are in positions that they can work from home? And, if so, if you have any policies you would be willing to share. We are strongly considering allowing our Programmers to be able to work from their homes and wondered about other companies experience with this?
We have a few people who work from home, although we do ask that they be in the office one day a week for department meetings, etc. The company provides laptops and software. We have a written policy that requires employees to request a telecommuting arrangement in writing. It specifies the following:
These are a few of the items. Telecommuting is great when it works. However, if there is an employee not well-suited to the unstructured arrangement or who is not a great performer, it can be a nightmare (at least that's my experience). Managers have to be on the ball in working with telecommuters and addressing any issues.
We have quite a few employees that Telecommute. I would be more than glad to email you a copy of our agreement.
Please send me a copy of your agreement.
We have 6 employees who work from home, and no policy on it. If you could send me a copy of what you use that would be great,
If possible would you please send me a copy of your agreement?
Thank you!
Hey, here's some good info on telecommuting security