Job shadow / Extramural / training for experience

I am in need of some guidance. I am trying to create a new pilot program for our staff employees.
Let me start by saying I work at a 5 campus community college and this program is designed specifically for the staff employees. Many staff employees work in the district office away from any students or real academic setting.
We promote furthering education here, and we pay tuition for many of our staff members, however we have found that after getting a bachelors degree, many of the staff are stuck in their positions because of the 'experience' part of the prerequisite ---they just do not have the history of being involved in real student processes.
I am trying to propose that we have a program designed to allow staff to take 5-10 days per year and go work in a different department . This should allow the employee to get a good feel for a job they 'think' they want as well as get a small bit of experience and also allow the department to see the employee in action (as well as getting some extra help during peak times). Each participant would have to apply for the program and it be approved through their supervisors as well as the supervisor of the department they are wanting to 'train' in.
Does anyone out there have any type of similar program? I am having a very hard time finding anything like this in place anywhere.
Or, does anyone have any ideas or pointers to add to this program?
Thank you so much for any feedback or information you can give me!
Hi Stacey:
We have a "walk in my shoes" (WIMS) program where I work. As part of the program there are designated days during the year when employees have the opportunity to rotate into another department and work with an assigned individual in that department to see what they do. There is a sign up and then each employee is assigned to a department and "mentor" for the day. At the beginning of the WIMS day, there is a brief orientation for the employees coming to visit the department, outlining exactly what the department does and (if possible) showing tangible examples of the work done (i.e., product, reports, computers or machines used). We try to match employees by personality, since some people are just better at communicating what they do and how. We have found this program to be very helpful in breaking down barriers and increasing the level of communicationand teamwork among departments.
Hope this helps.