Childcare Program

We are considering establishing an employee-sponsored childcare program on-site with other building corporate tenants. Does anyone have good references, resources, tips, etc. on setting up an on-site childcare facility?
We are considering establishing an employee-sponsored childcare program on-site with other building corporate tenants. Does anyone have good references, resources, tips, etc. on setting up an on-site childcare facility?
Before starting a program on your own, survey the parents in your building to see what the need is. Then you should look into having an existing childcare company, such as KinderCare, lease the space in your building, especially if you can guarantee a number of participants to make it worthwhile. If you can't get a chain, perhaps ask a local daycare provider with a solid reputation to open a "branch" in your building. Let experienced professionals handle this.
My company looked into having onsite childcare. While starting a childcare program is a great idea with numerous benefits, you must be aware that it’s going to be a lot of work.
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The most important thing is don’t just jump into this; it must be a formalized program. Set up a committee with the other companies in your building. Have each one contact their lawyers and their insurance carriers. There is a lot of liability here.
Also, check with your company’s accountant—you may be eligible for a tax credit for providing on-site or near-site child care.
There are several options to look at, so you should survey employees to see what their needs are.
As fisHRman suggested, look at existing providers. Go online to get some ideas in your area, then check with the Better Business Bureau or state agencies about companies you are considering.
When you have some information on possible providers and programs, put details on your intranet to get feedback from employees.
When all the research was done, we ended up subsidizing employees for off-site daycare. This was more cost-effective for us than having our own on-site childcare program.