Bereavement Policy

We currently give 3 consecutive days of bereavement leave, which one day has to be the day of the funeral or memorial service. I would liketo omit the "funeral or memorial service" part. Does anyone have a bereavement policy they would be willing to share with me?
Up to three days of paid bereavement leave will be provided to eligible employee in the following classifications, for immediate family members:
• Regular full-time
• Limited full-time 5 days
• Limited full-time
Bereavement leave will be based on 8 hours per day. Bereavement pay is calculated based on the base pay rate at the time of absence and will not be calculated as hours worked for the purpose of computing overtime.
Approval of bereavement leave will occur in the absence of unusual operating requirements. Any employee may, with the supervisor’s approval, use any available paid vacation or personal leave for additional time off as necessary.
Bank of Wisconsin Dells defines “immediate family” for this purpose as the employee’s spouse, parent, child, or sibling; the employee’s spouse’s parent, child, or sibling; the employee’s child’s spouse; the employee’s grandparents or grandchildren. Employees may be granted up to one day of paid bereavement leave for their spouse’s grandparent or grandchildren.
For funerals of those other than immediate family members, or employees not eligible for paid bereavement leave, you may request unpaid leave to attend a funeral. Available vacation time or personal days may also be used. Approval by supervisors will be granted in the absence of unusual operating requirements.
[COLOR=#000000][I]Employees who wish to take time off due to the death of an immediate family member should notify their supervisor immediately. [/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][I]Up to 3 days of paid bereavement leave will be provided to eligible employees in the following classifications:[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][I]• Officers[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][I]• Regular full-time employees[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][I]• Regular part-time employees[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][I]Bereavement pay is calculated based on the base pay rate at the time of absence and will not include any special forms of compensation, such as incentives, commissions, bonuses, or shift differentials.[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][I]Employees may, with their supervisor’s approval, use any available paid leave for additional time off as necessary.[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][I]The bank defines “immediate family” as the employee’s spouse, parent, child, sibling; the employee’s spouse’s parent, child, or sibling; the employee’s child’s spouse; grandparents or grandchildren. Special consideration will also be given to any other person whose association with the employee was similar to any of the above relationships.[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000]We have always avoided a specific mention of funeral or memorial service. We have had some individuals with family members out of state or the country who haven't actually gone to attend a funeral or memorial service but still needed to take some time off to mourn their loss. [/COLOR]
The credit union's intent is to lessen the hardships associated with a death in the family. Therefore, if a death in the employee's immediate family occurs, time off and continuance of pay will be granted as follows:
*Three days will be paid to attend funerals within 300 miles.
*If the funeral is more than 300 miles away, up to five days may be taken with approval of the President.
* Immediate family is interpreted to include spouse, foster children, children, parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, grandchildren, stepparents, stepbrother/sister, stepchildren, parents-in-law, brother/sister-in-laws, aunts, uncles, and first cousins.
*Vacation leave can be used to attend funerals if the person is not immediate family. If vacation leave is not available, please contact the Human Resource Department.
Please give your supervisor as much notice as possible that you will be needing bereavement leave. If the death in the family is unexpected and no notice can be provided, please call your supervisor at the first opportunity on the first work day missed to advise your supervisor that you are taking bereavement leave, the relationship of the person whose funeral you are attending, and your expected date of return.