FSA and Section 125 Plan requirments

Is an employer required to maintain both a FSA plan document and a Section 125 plan document are are they one in the same? I always understood the Section 125 plan document to cover the employers entire cafeteria plan and the FSA plan doc to cover the DFSA and HFSA. The terms FSA and Section 125 plan are used interchangeably which makes it confusing at times as I view them as different things.
Cafeteria plans are really when a company gives a group of options of benefits for employees to choose from (like choosing a meal from the cafeteria). In other words, any company who offers a choice of options of benefits for employees to choose from, even if some are Section 105 (like an HRA) is a cafeteria plan. If the company only offers Section 125 arrangements it can still be considered a cafeteria plan.
I just re-read your post and I think you may be talking about having a document for the premium portion of your health plan (also known as POP). Then you have another document for health reimbursement and dependent care. This is very common. The POP enables you to make your premiums pre-tax. The other document allows for reimbursement to employees. They are still both covered under Section 125 of the IRS tax code; they are still both FSA items and eligible for handling pre-tax; they are still both considered cafeteria plans (the IRS refers to them as cafeteria plans on their website.)
I hope this answers your question.
BTW, welcome to the forum!
Your first post! Welcome to the Forum. :welcome:
Anyone else know of any changes?
PS: Welcome jjohnston!
Your first post! Welcome to the Forum. :welcome: