exempt employee vacation
15 Posts
An exempt employee told me that his supervisor expected him to do some follow up phone calls on a few clients while he was on vacation. Now he wants to know since he did do this "work" on a vacation day, he wants his vacation day back. Would this be a policy issue or are there any regs regarding this. I can't find anything as of yet. thanks
Find out if you have a policy regarding 'working' on leave days, and if you don't have one, it may be time to initiate one so everyone is clear what is required to be paid work time and what is required to get leave pay. Then stick to it. If you have one already and it was followed, you can point it out to the employee.
Then talk to the supervisor. I understand the importance of certain duties on my job, and so does my supervisor. She does everything possible to see that when I am on vacation, I am on vacation. After all, we have vacation to help employees avoid burnout and come back refreshed and better workers. I let my supervisor know what few things I couldn't get completed and she finishes them for me if at all possible so I don't have to come back in or handle things at home. This supervisor should have made the calls, or the employee should have realized the importance of them making the call and made the offer in the first place. Ultimately, it is the supervisor's responsibility to make sure things run smoothly and the employees in their department are handled properly.
Good luck!