Filling out payroll forms
216 Posts
I have been telling our managers that new hires should fill out their W4, WOTC, I-9, etc. at the beginning of the first day of work. The managers are balking because they say it's too busy to have new hires do it at the beginning of their shift. Some of the managers have been asking the new employees to come in a couple of days prior to their first work day and do the paperwork then. Never mind the fact that you're not supposed to have a new hire fill out the I-9 prior to their first day. But, that's another topic. ::angryface:: My response is to have them come in early on their first day so plan for it.
What is your company's practice concering this? Do you pay the new hires for their time when they come in to fill out paperwork? Maybe I'm off base here so I would like to know.
What is your company's practice concering this? Do you pay the new hires for their time when they come in to fill out paperwork? Maybe I'm off base here so I would like to know.
This helps supervisors take care of any begin of shift business, and plan for who will train and when. Since the new hire starts their day with us, they are definitely paid for their time.
I agree that the employees need to be paid for this time. I did look on the DOL website but couldn'f find this issue addressed specifically. Does anyone know if it is there so I can use this as my backup? Maybe I just missed it.
Thanks so much for your help. It's much appreciated.
Once in a great while, a manager will ask a new employee to come in and go through the orientation & fill out forms prior to their first day of work, and when that occurs, we always pay for that time.