combining positions
I have a part-time employee in one program and another part-time position in another program. I am interested in offering this same employee the second part-time job and wondered how that would work. I would like to be able to keep her as she is good employee and I know that she needs benefits. Can I have her work two part-time jobs in totally different programs and consider her a full-time employee?
I assume your benefit documents state that the employee must work a certain number of hours per pay period, not specific hours in a specific position. I think even if your employee moves from one area to another during the day, with different supervisors, hours, etc, that you will be ok to have one employee do all. You will simply have to make sure that the jobs to do not clash (ie deadlines), and are either both exempt or both non-exempt (you can always pay an exempt position an hourly rate if you need to). If the rates are not the same, you will need to figure out a fair rate so the employee gets a standard rate wherever she works, otherwise you run the risk of her trying to spend more of her day in one area than the other, or complaining that she is working more hours in the higher paid position but only getting paid for half the day.
Good luck!
Nae, if the rates are different, what do you do when it comes to overtime?:-/
Personally, I wouldn't agree to this unless I could find a blended rate that the employee would agree to, but there is a method for computing overtime when the rates for jobs are different. You have to either use the higher pay, or pro-rate the overtime to match the hours worked. It's too complicated for my poor little head so I would strenuously object to anyone trying to establish such a position here.