Education Requirement

Is it considered discrimatory to all of a sudden require a college degeree for leadership positions that have never required a degree in the past? Experience is not being taken in lieu of a degree.

Could it not also be discrimatory if a position does require a degree but it has a pool of minority candidates that have the experience and knowledge to do a job but just do not have the degree? So therefore are not even qualified to apply?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It would depend on the reason for requiring the degree. Is the position one that has become increasingly more complex or perhaps in a field that has recently become regulated? Requiring a degree for either of those reasons would not be discriminatory.
  • Also curious about "all of the sudden". When we have a position vacate we always review the job description. .whenever possible, we try to include language that would allow a "combination of education and relevant experience". . allows us to broaden our pool, not narrow it. .

    but as Joannie notes, some of it is just going to depend on the position.
  • We do the same as Sonny - "combination of education and work experience." In most all cases, I would rather have someone with four years of experience in the poistion over a recent college grad with no experience.
  • I agree with the other posters. We include language like sonny, and sometimes even add "college degree strongly preferred but not required."

    In general, I like to try applying a BFOQ test....unless a degree is a bona-fide occupational qualification in order to do the job, you may want to err on the side of NOT making it a requirement
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