rescinding a resignation

Do you allow your employees to rescind resignations? I am not talking about walking off the job in a huff and quitting resignations, but the kind where someone takes another job offer and then changes their mind for some reason.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We look at it on a case by case basis. Past work history plays a big part. Also, whether or not they make a habit of it. Had an Exec. Admin Asst. who had been with the company for 20+ years tell us in August she would retire at year end, but would be happy to train her replacement. Hired replacement and worked her through mid-December, when the EAA changed her mind about retiring. Didn't have any other openings for the trainee, so we let her go. Not pleasant. Next time she tried the same thing, we didn't let her rescind. Good Luck!
  • I consider allowing them to rescind only if I haven't hired a replacement. Once I have offered that position to someone else, it's a done deal.
  • I'm with Frank on this one. I'd get all resignations in writing. If the ee doesn't want to put it in writing, I'd send a registered letter confirming the resignation, last day of work, etc.

    Once an offer has been made to a replacement, most likely that replacement has also resigned a position and to then be told, "oops, our guy changed his mind" just doesn't cut it. Not a pretty situation and could even open the door to a breach of promise lawsuit.

    Just my two cents.

  • My first HR boss taught me to "always immediately accept a resignation". That way, you hold the cards. If the employee comes back and says he has changed his mind, its your call whether to allow him to rescind.

    Alot would depend upon the circumstances. If an ee resigned because he thought he had to move away to take care of a family member and then the situation changed and he was able to stay, I would certainly consider it.

    If the ee resigned because he was unhappy but then realized nobody else wants to hire him, I would say "sorry."
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