When Crazy May Be Dangerous

On of the readers of Dan Oswald's recent blog post on "You Can't Reason with Crazy" ([url]http://blogs.hrhero.com/oswaldletters/2011/07/15/you-cant-reason-with-crazy[/url]) asked to remain anonymous because of the situation. The reader is looking for advice from HR pros and, well, that's you all. Here's the question.
Do you have any suggestions on how to know when crazy may be dangerous (going postal, recent tragedy in Norway) and how to handle that?
Do you have any suggestions on how to know when crazy may be dangerous (going postal, recent tragedy in Norway) and how to handle that?
If you don't, then contact one and see if you can hire them for this situation.
Good luck!
I worked in mental health for many years so understand that colors the following.
I strongly dislike the term crazy. Define it.
Many people who are labeled as such may have a bona fided mental health problem or anger management issues, or depression or a multitude of other real issues that contribute to their behavior. Recognizing this guy was difficult I would not have said "irrational rants". You need to watch you don't fuel the fire. Treating people with dignity and respect will get you further.
You can't predict human behavior so I really don't believe you can know when "crazy" maybe dangerous. If you could know, the tragedies would likely not happen. But you take it seriously and do the very best you can so if the tragedy occurs you can say you did what you could do avoid it. In all my years in the field I (and others) often found it often just came down to gut feelings. Not very scientific, eh? I have been right and wrong and the jury is still out on one.
Back to what Nae said, if you are even wondering (seriously) then act accordingly.