Nice Work if You Can Get It!

Summer is here and if you haven't planned your vacation yet, consider going to the beach -- and maybe making a buck or two while you're at it!
[URL=""]Work's a Day at the Beach for Sand-Castle Consultant[/URL]
[URL=""]Work's a Day at the Beach for Sand-Castle Consultant[/URL]
We would definately need a specific dress code for this position because ours would not be appropriate at all.
You click on User CP, then go to Edit your Details, then Custom User Title and it will put whatever you want in there. (I haven't done it yet because I haven't come up with anything I felt was very clever.)
The reason Frank is "pantsless" has a history from long before I signed up so I'll leave it to one of the others who has been around longer to explain that one to you!
kelros: a few years ago someone on here started a story about members on this forum and anyone who wanted to contributed. Consequently, it was full of twists, turns and was totally absurd. At one point in the story someone said Frank jumped over the wall of a cubicle and lost his pants. He's been pantless ever since. You would think it would keep him humble, but no such luck.
kelros -- I believe you can go into your profile and change your title.