Obliged to Advertise?
1 Post
we have hours available to be filled (part-time) and I plan to post internally. I have an external candidate in mind who has interviewed in the past six months. Am I obliged to advertise this externally? Or can I just call the candidate and see if she is available?
This is not federally mandated, but you might have it in a state law or union agreement. It also may already be a part of your policies or past best practices. (If you have a history of advertising, but don't do it on this occasion you can expect some unhappiness from your employees.)
If none of these facts prevent you from going back to a prior candidate, then feel free to do so. It will certainly save your company time and money.
Good luck!
As I said, in our public, government world I do not need someone accusing of us of not opening the position to ALL who might be qualified. As I alluded to previously, it could also be construed as favoritism, why not call other good previously interviewed and qualified candidates. .