Expanded Role For Our HR Dept

cathyb12 - Looking for suggestions for resources to help me in formulating a plan to develop our HR function as the company expands from 300 to 600 EE's later this year. Currently our HR Dept consists of a Supervisor and an Associate reporting to the Finance VP.


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  • The general rule of thumb is one HR rep per 100 employees. For a company with 600 employees, I'd have:

    1 HR Director
    1 Coordinator/Assistant
    1 HR Manager (a generalist specializing in employee relations)
    1 Recruiting Specialist
    1 Compensation and Benefits Specialist
    1 HRIS Specialist

    Each should be cross trained in at least one other function. For example, a recruiting manager could be cross trained in benefits (at least enough to cover during vacations, etc.). The Director and HR Manager should both be generalists able to step in anywhere needed at any time. If you have the budget for it, a Training Manager could be another valuable position. If not, training could be a shared responsibility assigned to the HR staff depending on the training topic.

    Note - the above assumes that your HR department is not responsible for payroll. If it is, then you'll need to also have at least one payroll specialist with another HR person (or accounting person) able to cover during vacations, etc.

    If you need them, you can find job descriptions for the above positions at [URL="http://online.onetcenter.org/find/career?c=4&g=Go"]O-Net.org[/URL]. Just scroll down the page to find the HR positions.

    A lot of things can impact how many HR employees an organization has. For example, if a union is involved, and the HR Director or Manager do not have experience in that area, then a labor specialist may be needed. Or, if the company is in an aggressive growth pattern, more than one recruiting person may be needed.

    Hope this helps.


    PS: If you'd like to discuss, just shoot me an email. I'd be happy to assist.
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