PTO vs. Unpaid Time Off

[FONT=Century Gothic][I]Hello forum! This may get lengthy, but please read through and any advice would be greatly appreciated![/I][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][I]Our current PTO policy is as follows: Our employees get their yearly PTO time upfront. Some employees (in January) will schedule their entire PTO throughout the year, leaving a 0 balance. Then, when call-offs happen, they have nothing to use against this call-off, but will still be paid later in the year for previously scheduled time. We don't think it's fair that they don't have to use what they have as it occurs.[/I][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][I]We tossed around the idea of saying that if all PTO is scheduled to be used for the year, and a call-off happens, then time would be pulled from the last scheduled PTO to cover to the call off.[/I][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][I]It may be the issue of giving PTO upfront, but we don't see how fair it is that they don't get paid for the call off, but do get paid for that week long vacation in December.[/I][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][I]Omigosh! I hope that made sense![/I][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][I]Again, any guidance would be HUGELY helpful![/I][/FONT] :help:
[FONT=Century Gothic][I]Our current PTO policy is as follows: Our employees get their yearly PTO time upfront. Some employees (in January) will schedule their entire PTO throughout the year, leaving a 0 balance. Then, when call-offs happen, they have nothing to use against this call-off, but will still be paid later in the year for previously scheduled time. We don't think it's fair that they don't have to use what they have as it occurs.[/I][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][I]We tossed around the idea of saying that if all PTO is scheduled to be used for the year, and a call-off happens, then time would be pulled from the last scheduled PTO to cover to the call off.[/I][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][I]It may be the issue of giving PTO upfront, but we don't see how fair it is that they don't get paid for the call off, but do get paid for that week long vacation in December.[/I][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][I]Omigosh! I hope that made sense![/I][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][/FONT]
[FONT=Century Gothic][I]Again, any guidance would be HUGELY helpful![/I][/FONT] :help:
Is your upfront PTO based on the prior year's work? If not, what do you do when someone terms?
I think it would be very fair to let employees know they may schedule time off, but they are required to use it for sick and personal leave (no leave without pay). A second part of your new rule would be that they cannot take scheduled time off unless they have leave available. Of course, FMLA would be an exception. Plus, you may have some state laws that apply that I am not aware of.
We accrue PTO. Employees are required to use PTO (and any other leave available) for any time off they take, including FMLA. [U]Except for FMLA, any leave without pay goes against them at review time.[/U]
I think the last part would be very helpful for your organization. Employees would think twice about scheduling all of their leave if they knew it might hurt them in the end.
Good luck!
Does this seem to be "a lot" of time for our staff? We employ approximately 75 employees and are a small, private, family owned business.
When employees term, they do not have to pay back PTO that has been used.
Now, when X calls off, let's say in April, this has to be unpaid because there is no time left, but will get the time scheduled in let's say August paid.
My Managers do not think this is fair...
Letting employees use PTO time early when they may be planning on quitting does seem a bit unreasonable to me, but again, what do others in your industry do? If they do not do the same, it might be a good time to change it. If you choose to do so, I would do some kind of combination the first year. Let them get 25-50% up front and then begin accruing or changing it to a plan where they get their PTO at the END of the work period. Either way, I still suggest you take steps to avoid LWOP.
Good luck!
It sounds like your system basically allows emloyees to take off as much time as they want. We expect our employees to live within the limits of the PTO we offer. Except for FMLA, they cannot take unpaid time without HR approval (as well as supervisor's), and only if they have no PTO left. Exceeding the PTO limits is reviewed very unfavorably. How much time the company pays for is only one part of the issue. Having employees take excessive time off, even if unpaid, is unfair, disruptive and expensive.
I think my reply is now longer than your question, but I hope it helps.
[QUOTE=NaeNae55;721311]You call this lengthy? It looks short compared to some of mine.
Hey! I resemble that remark!
It sounds like there definitely needs to be some controls in your system, as well as some sort of accountability on the employee's part. Our policies state that it is up to each employee to budget their PTO accordingly, and there are repercussions for failing to do so.
Good luck!