Locked out of Facebook

I tried to log into FB last night only to find a message that said my "account had been disabled". The link provided took me to an area that explained that my profile was using a "fake name" and therefore was violating FB's policies.
A process for getting my account reactivated was provided and I have sent FB the required e-mail with an explanation of why my account is "CBCC HR" and not my actual full name.
This will be interesting to see what happens. I've had this account for years without any problems. There was no warning. I've never been contacted by FB before.
If FB digs its heels into the sand and won't allow account names other than an individual's full name, I think its usefullness for me declines substantially. In my persona as HR Manager, I have used FB to communicate with employees, past employees, guests, etc. for years.
I understand FB's committment to "real name accountability" for personal profile but I am hoping they understand that there is a need for "persona profiles" for business use. Here is their policy:
[*]Fake names are not permitted.
[*]Initials cannot stand in place of your full name.
[*]Nicknames can be used, but only if they are a variation on your real first or last name, such as 'Bob' instead of 'Robert.'
[*]Only one person's name should be listed as profiles cannot be used by multiple parties.
[*]The use of professional and religious titles within names is not permitted.
[*]The use of special characters such as symbols within names is not permitted.
[*]The use of unusual capitalization, punctuation, or spacing is not permitted.
[*]Impersonating anyone or anything is not permitted.
So Frank can't be "No Pants Frank" on FB. In fact, he could only technically be Frank if that is his first name or a variation of Franklin. If Frank's real first name is Marion and he goes by "Frank" that would be a violation of FB's stated policy.
I'll keep you posted. The irony is that "my account just got disabled by FB" would be a cool status update but I have no way to log in.
A process for getting my account reactivated was provided and I have sent FB the required e-mail with an explanation of why my account is "CBCC HR" and not my actual full name.
This will be interesting to see what happens. I've had this account for years without any problems. There was no warning. I've never been contacted by FB before.
If FB digs its heels into the sand and won't allow account names other than an individual's full name, I think its usefullness for me declines substantially. In my persona as HR Manager, I have used FB to communicate with employees, past employees, guests, etc. for years.
I understand FB's committment to "real name accountability" for personal profile but I am hoping they understand that there is a need for "persona profiles" for business use. Here is their policy:
[*]Fake names are not permitted.
[*]Initials cannot stand in place of your full name.
[*]Nicknames can be used, but only if they are a variation on your real first or last name, such as 'Bob' instead of 'Robert.'
[*]Only one person's name should be listed as profiles cannot be used by multiple parties.
[*]The use of professional and religious titles within names is not permitted.
[*]The use of special characters such as symbols within names is not permitted.
[*]The use of unusual capitalization, punctuation, or spacing is not permitted.
[*]Impersonating anyone or anything is not permitted.
So Frank can't be "No Pants Frank" on FB. In fact, he could only technically be Frank if that is his first name or a variation of Franklin. If Frank's real first name is Marion and he goes by "Frank" that would be a violation of FB's stated policy.
I'll keep you posted. The irony is that "my account just got disabled by FB" would be a cool status update but I have no way to log in.
I know several people who have multiple FB profiles. I don't know how they do it as I can hardly keep up with mine. They do allow partial initials. My brother-in-law (who is having a birthday today) has JD and then his last name. I guess as long as part of it is real they find it acceptable.
Are you sure they locked you out for your name? Or is it just because you are so ornery?
The social network Myspace that used to be #1 allowed you to put anything you wanted as your profile name. Most people did not use their actual names. I think that contributed to Myspaces decline. It was difficult to find people and the lack of real name accountability led people to do and say things they ought not to have.
Fortunately, that has never happened in this forum....
Keep in mind that Facebook offered no waring before my account suspension and that I can no longer actually admin our Facebook page which we PAY Facebook to advertise.
How many of you could treat your customers this way? Those of you who are banks try telling your customers they can no longer access their accounts but you would continue pulling money out each month.
It would appear when you are the 800 lb gorilla of social networking, you can afford to not provide ANY customer service beyond FAQs on your website.
Ok, rant over.
If it's any consolation, Paul, they haven't busted [B]CBCCProgram Janet[/B] yet.
I can't even go on my account to post something to the effect of "Hey, Im locked out of my account so don't email me here expecting a response." The account is GONE.
I don't even want to think what has become of my farm....
The problem is I am not sure I can quit. I do so much communication through it. Grrr...
I am arguing that they can't disable my account without warning as I no longer have any way to manage our payments to FB for advertising.
Today I feel like:
No big deal. But it does limit FB's usefulness (in my opinion) for professionals who want to create a profile for their work persona: HR director, marketing director, etc.
It also demonstrated to me that FB has become so big and so powerful that they really can do whatever they want. As mad as I was about what had happened, I realized I could not quit Facebook. There was just no way. Our last two full time staff we hired in November heard about our open positions through our Facebook page.
Quitting Facebook would be like trying to quit using e-mail.
Have you considered setting up your old user name as a group on FB? Might be another way to skin the cat.
I believe only profiles can e-mail, post comments, etc. Pages and groups are more static.
I think I am just going to be myself unless FB ever changes their policies or offers "professional profiles".
I hate it when I can't tell if you are serious, or just being a dork.