good puzzlers please help

I printed some puzzle games for our employees and they have been working hard on them. No one has completely figured out the solution on one in particular. If you are good at puzzles, or know someone who is, please go to this link, print it out, and tell me the final answer. At least 2 of us came up with the same words, but can't figure out the first 3. We have had one slightly different version, but again, the first 3 words are unknown. Anyone want to give it a crack?
I have looked and looked on the site, but can't find anyway to contact anyone or the solution. ::angryface::
I printed some puzzle games for our employees and they have been working hard on them. No one has completely figured out the solution on one in particular. If you are good at puzzles, or know someone who is, please go to this link, print it out, and tell me the final answer. At least 2 of us came up with the same words, but can't figure out the first 3. We have had one slightly different version, but again, the first 3 words are unknown. Anyone want to give it a crack?
I have looked and looked on the site, but can't find anyway to contact anyone or the solution. ::angryface::
And why did Nae leave the "L" out of "always"?
Is it obvious I am upset at not being the one to figure out the puzzle?
This just sounds entirely unworkable.
Not only is this unworkable, Frankly its outrageous and possibly un-American.
Paul, I have to sleep sometime and don't need a puzzle to keep me off the forum. I am not so easily distracted, usually. I do have one question though. How did you know about how I am when I see something shiny?
If ever.
kbunes, welcome to the forum. We're glad to have you with us!
Good, because we've already friended you and started to photoshop your face on all our kegstand pictures.
Join in the fun. Don't take me to seriously (See my member category).